Every Donation Counts!!
Every Donation Counts!!
NC Chapter is dedicated to making a positive impact both within our community and beyond.
NC Chapter is dedicated to making a positive impact both within our community and beyond.
NC Chapter는 IRS에 501(C)3- tax exempt org.로 등록된 비영리단체(nonprofit organization)입니다. NC Chapter에 donation 해 주신 금액에 대해여 세금보고시 tax deduction을 신청하실 수 있습니다.
NC Chapter는 IRS에 501(C)3- tax exempt org.로 등록된 비영리단체(nonprofit organization)입니다. NC Chapter에 donation 해 주신 금액에 대해여 세금보고시 tax deduction을 신청하실 수 있습니다.
NC Chapter는 현재 약 260여명의 회원이 등록되어 있으며, 전체 KSEA local chapter 중 회원수가 가장 많은 쳅터입니다.
NC Chapter는 현재 약 260여명의 회원이 등록되어 있으며, 전체 KSEA local chapter 중 회원수가 가장 많은 쳅터입니다.
Duke, UNC, NCSU 대학원에 소속된 학생회원이 65%, 일반 회원이 35% 입니다. NC Chapter에서는 회원, 회원 가족 및 지역사회를 위해 Science and engineering에 관한 행사 뿐만아니라 National Math and Science Competition (NMSC), Networking building events, Academic knowledge building events, & 인문학 강의 등을 진행하고 있습니다.
Duke, UNC, NCSU 대학원에 소속된 학생회원이 65%, 일반 회원이 35% 입니다. NC Chapter에서는 회원, 회원 가족 및 지역사회를 위해 Science and engineering에 관한 행사 뿐만아니라 National Math and Science Competition (NMSC), Networking building events, Academic knowledge building events, & 인문학 강의 등을 진행하고 있습니다.
NC chapter as one of the super chapters in KSEA, currently has over 300 members as of 2023. We organize various events related to culture, humanities, and support for international students from Korea in NC, not only for science and engineering members but also for various communities in the greater Raleigh areas.
NC chapter as one of the super chapters in KSEA, currently has over 300 members as of 2023. We organize various events related to culture, humanities, and support for international students from Korea in NC, not only for science and engineering members but also for various communities in the greater Raleigh areas.
Donation Method
Donation Method
Option 1. Donation made via our crowdfunding platform
Option 1. Donation made via our crowdfunding platform
Option 2. Please send your check to KSEA NC Chapter
Option 2. Please send your check to KSEA NC Chapter
By Check: You can make your donation via check.
By Check: You can make your donation via check.
Please make your check payable to "KSEA NC Chapter (Sung-Ju Kim)"
Please make your check payable to "KSEA NC Chapter (Sung-Ju Kim)"
Mailing Address: 202-D, 1911 Building, Campus Box 7639, Raleigh, NC 27695-7639
Mailing Address: 202-D, 1911 Building, Campus Box 7639, Raleigh, NC 27695-7639